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Seminario académico UNAB-UAH 2021- Invitado: Cristián Troncoso, profesor de la UNAB

25 de octubre, 2021 / 15:00 - 16:00

La Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado en conjunto con la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Andrés Bello, tienen el agrado de invitarte a un nuevo Seminario Académico de Economía 2021.

En esta ocasión Cristián Troncoso, académico de la Universidad Andrés Bello, presentará su trabajo «The role of heterogeneous absorptive capacities in strategic alliances with competitors», co-autoreado con Felipe Chávez.

We study the formation of alliances between competitors with asymmetric learning capabilities in contexts in which there is knowledge appropriation. A firm privately informed about the economic value of some business opportunity offers to some uninformed firm an alliance to exploit this opportunity. Accepting to participate in the alliance not only allows the uninformed firm to learn the actual economic value of the alliance –which this firm can use to reevaluate its decision to continue this join collaboration, but also gives both firms access to each other core knowledge regarding their production processes. We provide conditions under which the informed firm offers alliances with negative economic value that the uninformed firm accepts with probability one. However, we find that uninformed firms with limited absorptive capacities but highly specialized products are less likely to face this type of behaviors because learning has a more significant effect on the level of competition in the product market. Our findings contribute to the literature on learning alliances and the mediating role of absorptive capacities and provide a novel theoretical explanation for the formation of alliances between firms with asymmetric learning capabilities.

Te esperamos el lunes 25 de octubre, a las 15:00 hrs.

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25 de octubre, 2021
15:00 - 16:00
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